Lance East Exotics

Privacy Policy

This is the privacy policy of Lance East Exotics Pty Ltd ABN 48 649 592 549 ( we or us).

We understand the importance of privacy for personal information. We have adopted this Privacy Policy as we recognise the rights of individuals to keep their personal information private.

This Privacy Policy covers treatment of personally identifiable information that we collect or hold (personal information). We will treat personal information we collect or hold in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles, as set out in Schedule 1 of thePrivacy Act 1998(Cth). The Australian Privacy Principles can be accessed at the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (Read the Australian Privacy Principles - Home (

The personal and sensitive information we collect and store

We may collect personal information from employees, job applicants, contractors, and other individuals. We collect this information for our business purposes. This information may include names, contact details, job titles, tax file number, etc. Where practicable, the purpose for which we collect personal information and the consequences of not providing it will be made clear at the time of collection.

We do not collect sensitive information about individuals without their consent such as racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of political, professional or trade associations, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, criminal record, health, or disability information.

Any personal or sensitive information that we collect from an individual will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected subject to the exceptions if it is required by law or is necessary in handling a legal claim.

The types of personal information that we collect will depend on the nature of a person’s dealings with us.

How we collect and store personal information

We normally collect personal information directly from an individual but if an individual has consented, or would reasonably expect us to, we may collect personal information from a third party as well (for example in order to verify an individual’s identity and for due diligence purposes, or for the prevention and detection of money laundering and terrorist financing). Where it is practical to do so, we will seek a signed authorisation from you to allow us to obtain information from third party organisations.

We may collect information through forms filled out by individuals, face to face meetings, email messages, telephone conversations, when you use our websites or our social media, or by third parties. If you contact us, we may keep a record of that contact.

We may also collect information given to us by third parties with whom we do business. This may include personal information contained in materials provided to us. When this occurs, we rely on the person providing us with that personal information having the right to do so.

The reasons we collect, hold, and use personal information

The main purposes for which we collect, hold, and use personal information are:

  • to respond to an individual’s request or enquiry
  • to communicate and maintain contact with persons with whom we do business
  • for our general management and reporting purposes, such as invoicing and accounts management
  • for recruitment purposes and certain purposes related to employment of our personnel including providing products and services to our staff
  • other business purposes

While we may be required under certain circumstances to collect government identifiers such as tax file numbers, we do not use or disclose this information other than when required or authorised by law or unless you have voluntarily consented to disclose this information to any third party.

Uses of Information

Any personal information we collect from you may be made available to, or used by our employees or any entity carrying out functions on our behalf.

Information provided will be held in the strictest confidence by us. We do not give information about you to anyone else unless one of the following applies:

  • it is necessary in connection with the business relationship we have with you, or we have told you we will;
  • you have consented; or
  • it is required or authorised by law.

If you do not consent to such disclosure, we may not be able to maintain our business relationship with you. The types of organisations to whom we typically disclose your personal information include information technology providers (for the purpose of maintenance of our IT systems) and related service providers and government authorities where we are required to do so as part of our business.

We may use overseas facilities or contractors to process, store, or backup the information we hold or to provide certain products and services to us. If we have to transfer personal information outside Australia, we will comply with trans- border data flow standards under thePrivacy Act 1998(Cth), for example, by taking reasonable steps to protect the information being held, used, or disclosed by the recipient as not to breach the Australian Privacy Principles.

Should you wish to authorise the disclosure of your personal information to other parties please notify us in writing.

Your choices

If you choose to not provide information about your identity and your personal information, or information that is incomplete or inaccurate, it may:

  • mean that we cannot maintain our business relationship with you
  • result in you paying more tax than may otherwise apply.


You may request access to the personal information that we hold about you and ask us to correct personal information we hold. We will respond to your request in a reasonable timeframe. We are bound by the Australian Privacy Principles and reserve the right to charge a fee for supplying the information and in some circumstances, may deny access to the information, in which case we will provide you in writing with the reason for the denial of access.

Accuracy of Records

We take all reasonable steps to ensure that all information we hold is as accurate as is possible, up-to- date and complete You are able to contact us at any time and ask for its correction if you feel the information we have about you is inaccurate or incomplete. We will take reasonable steps to correct personal information to ensure that it is correct, update-to-date complete, relevant, and not misleading if we believe that it needs to be corrected or you request it be corrected.

We will destroy or de-identify personal information when it is no longer needed.


From time-to-time we may provide access to external websites through links provided on our website. Be aware when you access one of these websites, we are not responsible for the privacy practices of that site. You should review the privacy policies of each site you visit.


If you have any complaint about the treatment of your personal information or if you would like to discuss our Privacy Policy, you should take the following steps:

Please write to or email our complaints officer at:

Complaints Officer

Mail: Lance East Exotics Pty Ltd PO Box 39, Cottesloe WA 6911


We will review and assess your issue and provide feedback to you as quickly as possible. If you remain unsatisfied with our handling of the issue you have raised, you may refer your complaint to the Privacy Commissioner.

How to contact us in connection with this policy

You can write to or email us at:

The Privacy Officer

Mail: Lance East Exotics Pty Ltd PO Box 39, Cottesloe WA 6911


Contacting us anonymously

You can contact us anonymously or by using a pseudonym. If you choose not to be identified, however, we are limited in our ability to answer your queries or to maintain a business relationship you.

Further Information

For more information about our Privacy Policy please call us on +61 8 6244 3386